Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 7

I have two quotes to share today. . .
I like reading these two quotes together. I believe what they can teach. We can solve any problem, we can make it through any trial; we just have to have the desire to do so and make it a top priority. If you really think hard...what is your biggest obstacle right now? What is the goal you are trying to reach? Now think with me...what's stopping you from doing it? The first few reasons that pop in your head are probably reasons you feel like you have no control over; push those away. Now what is really stopping you? Fear of change, fear of failure, lack of confidence, lack of funds, or lack of time? A lot of these reasons can keep you from doing things; but they can all be overcome if you put your mind to it. Let go of fears, believe in yourself, and take little steps. Save pennies until you have the money. Re-evaluate your schedule, what is your time going to? What can you cut out so you have more time to make it happen? "If it's important to you, you will find a way"

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