Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 12

Today I am sharing a song. Here are the lyrics
At first glance this song might seem cinical...saying "I am giving up" over and over. But to me, it's exactly how I feel. I have decided that I am giving up on seeing things like half empty glasses; I'm giving up on all the "greener grasses". No matter what the world throws at my marraige, no matter what imagined happiness there might be out in the world, I'm giving up on all of those things and choosing Jake. Even if we stop having a ball. Even if the paint chips from the wall. Even if there's always cups in the sink. Even if we are not what we thought we were. I am giving up, I'm just going to love us for what we are and be happy about it, dang it! :) ( I love you Jake)
I also want to say that this doesn't mean that the grass here isn't really freaking green. I just mean even on the days where we're not having a ball...I'm giving up looking at the greener grasses. I am taking everyday knowing that there are going to be dissapointments and failures and times when I want to chase Jake "with a rolling pin", as the song says, but all that is ok. I'm giving up on the half-empty glass mind set. I love my glass no matter how much is in it. as long as we are both in it that's all I need.


  1. For what ever reason, I could not get the youtube link to stay on the blog post.

    Here is the link:

  2. I really like this song, and I love the way you express yourself here. You are such a beautiful person Crysty!
    I also want to tell you that every time I read your quotes and feelings about them, my day becomes better as I start looking at things with a different perspective, and in a more positive way.
    Thank you so much my darling, for taking the time to do this and for sharing it with all!. Even if people might not comment much, I'm sure lots of hearts are being touched, and at the same time it becomes a treasure that you can go to, later on in life.
    I love you so much Crysty, you have such a sweet heart!
