Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 4

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Perspective really is a huge part of how we see things. I could talk about this simply, by using the example of an optical illusion. When you look at it for the first time you see one thing and after looking at it for some time or after hearing someone else’s input you see the other side of it.
Look at this photo, what to you see? At first glance I saw a skull, but after I looked closer I see a woman sitting at her vanity; now every time I see it I see both parts of the illusion. I have really identified with this quote recently in my personal life. Sometimes our opinions about something changes and you begin to look at it differently it seems like the whole situation can change. I’m having a bit of a hard time putting it into words. But hopefully you all can understand my point. Personal perspective really has a huge part to play in the way we see our life.


  1. If you pay attention, You will see evidence of this concept all around you. Have you ever been driving down a street that you drove down a hundred times and all of a sudden you see a house or fance or something that you have never seen before? When this happens try to think back at what has changed in your life since the last time you drove down that road. You may have read a new book, you may have had an argument or a make up with someone, you may have taken a class recently and learned something new, bottom line your mind changed and now as if instantly the world around you has changed. It is really cool when you start noticing it in your daily life.

  2. We also have to remember that sometimes we see only what we want to see, because of life experiences or more simple things. Sometimes our perspective isn't clear. Also, that new perspective isn't always right, it may be interesting because its new, but you can't forget your original perspective.
