Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Challange.

I'm starting a Quote Challange. I want to share a quote everyday and share what that quote makes me think. I love quotes, I almost always have a little notebook I carry and write down little tid-bits I hear. One day I'd like to compile a quote book. I have a few that others have put together and published on my library at home. I gather inspiration and motivation from everyone around me. In a sociology class I took a few years ago, when my professor was introducing herself she said something that I really liked; she said: "I am not the only teacher in the class, each one of us is a teacher and each one of is a student. We are all here to learn, including me, we all have information to share." So, this is me sharing...please feel free to reply and comment and we can all learn from each other. Today, July 12th, 2012, will be Day 1

1 comment:

  1. this is such a great idea. I look forward to reading what your going to share.
