Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 37

"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it." ~Margaret Fuller
What good is knowing something if you just keep it to yourself? I think that if we try to be giving and helpful we will become better and learn if not for the people your helping, there are even selfish reasons to be a good person. "The greatest way to make you're knowledge stronger is to share it." ~Crystalinda Buebe


  1. On Day 36 I read about the please and thank you's. When you mentioned it was a lost art, i thought about another lost art that I actively promote to bring back. Thank You cards. I wasnt going to say anything but then after this quote where it said if you have knowledge, share it, I feel guilty not sharing it. There is an excellent program available called "the gratitude challenge" Not only does it positively directly impact atleast 30 other people in your life (who get a card from you) it really makes you a different perosn focusing on gratitude every day. I would invite anyone to check it out. Watch the video and take the challenge.
    Your going to love it!
