Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 36

This is so true...I find is almost sad how little these two words are used. It's refreshing to interact with someone with etiquette and good manners. What should be common practice has become a lost art. I remember when I was younger and my mom would initiate good manner days; we would dress nicely; go through our day being extra kind and courteous, speak in gentle tones being sure to enunciate our words, and we would always seem to get along so much better. I was a very proud mama yesterday when my little boy said (in perfect pronunciation) “please ma” I’m so excited to teach to my children the magic of please and thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Crysty, reading this just makes my day! I love it!!! :)
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences and feelings.

    Much love,
